Trinity’s Go Local: Gardner Mission Team had a few opportunities in this back to school season to show our love and support for Gardner International Magnet School’s staff, students and families. One of those opportunities was at a Back To School Clean Up Day where around 25 Trinity volunteers and Gardner staff showed up to lay mulch and plant hostas around the outside of the school building.
Trinity volunteers showed up again in August at Meet the Teacher night to help direct families to classrooms and to share friendly smiles with everyone.
The Gardner staff works hard to support the international population that makes up Gardner’s student body. To show them Trinity’s support as they kicked off the new school year we spoiled them with coffee, donuts, bagels, and fruit during the first week back to school.
We truly love the ways our body at Trinity strives to come alongside the Gardner Community, to serve and support them whenever and however we are able. If you want to know more about Gardner serve opportunities, request to join our Go Local: Gardner Mission Team by filling out the request form at