Essential Blessings in Romania

Michelle Gondal, Essential Blessings Founder & President In October of 2024 three board members of Essential Blessings were blessed to be able to go on mission to Romania and serve the Roma gypsies.  Essential Blessings serves the homeless Lansing community...
Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Gifts

SET A COURSE: God has uniquely designed and equipped each of us to serve His Kingdom. The Holy Spirit gives every Christ follower spiritual gifts to glorify God, build up the church, encourage His people, and help other Christ followers grow in their relationship with him.

MILE MARKER: To understand what Spiritual Gifts are, to prayerfully identify the special ability(ies) that the Spirit has given us, and to use these gifts for the sake of helping other Christ followers grow in their relationship with Him.



SET A COURSE: Jesus died on the cross so that we might be restored to our Heavenly Father. Just as Christ’s death brought life, so also our cross-shaped lives are life giving for us and those we love and serve. How might Jesus’ sacrifice inspire us to deny ourselves and sacrifice our lives for the sake of the gospel and others?

MILE MARKER: To let the cross of Christ inspire us to live cross-shaped lives, loving God and loving others.



SET A COURSE: Our relationship to our possessions is a good indicator of our spiritual maturity. Believers should be generous in their dealings with others, following the example of God himself.

MILE MARKER: To use control and manage responsibly the resources and wealth that have been entrusted to us by God.



SET A COURSE: God created people to be in relationship with Him and with one another. The most accurate way to express our love for God is to love people – all kinds of people. The people of God are committed to gathering together, studying and applying the Word of God, and developing close relationships characterized by sharing, praying, and making disciples.

MILE MARKER: To cultivate environments and relationships where the people of God live the values of the Great Commandment –loving God with all our hearts, mind, and strength and loving others as we love ourselves.



SET A COURSE: Believers are commissioned to join Jesus on mission wherever they are, whether at home or around the world. The full life Jesus desires for us is a life on mission, growing as a disciple and a disciple maker. How will you join Jesus on mission this month?

MILE MARKER: To continue the ministry of Jesus by extending God’s kingdom in my everyday life and interactions with others and to all parts of the world.



SET A COURSE: One of the secrets of experiencing closeness with our Heavenly Father is to understand prayer as a living relationship with him. How will you develop your relationship with the Father through prayer this month?

MILE MARKER: To understand and practice prayer as relationship with our heavenly Father.

Bible Engagement

Bible Engagement

SET A COURSE: Just as physical food sustains and strengthens the body, God’s word provides spiritual sustenance, guidance, and life-transforming power to those who receive and internalize it. How will you immerse yourself in Scripture this month?

MILE MARKER: To engage the Bible daily as our spiritual nourishment and one of the primary ways God speaks to us and transforms our lives.