by Marvin Williams | Feb 16, 2020 | [Teaching Series] In My Feelings, Trinity Church Audio Podcast
We live in a crazy, busy world, and are often overcome by the blizzard of daily distractions that cause us to lose our way spiritually, in the whiteout swirling around us. God has a provided an ancient rope/practice to lead us back to Himself.
by Dave Maxey | Feb 9, 2020 | [Teaching Series] In My Feelings, Trinity Church Audio Podcast
The Father extends the invitation to surrender our emotions to Him. Let’s discover how we might mature in them, not ignore them or overindulge them, but to grow up in them, reflecting the image of Christ.
by Luis Miguel | Feb 2, 2020 | [Teaching Series] In My Feelings, Trinity Church Audio Podcast
Facing Loss Growing and maturing spiritually will mean learning to lament our losses and humbly embrace the gift of our limits.
by Marvin Williams | Jan 26, 2020 | [Teaching Series] In My Feelings, Trinity Church Audio Podcast
Join us this weekend for the next part in our #inmyfeelings series diving into emotional healthy spirituality.
by Blake Ashdown | Jan 18, 2020 | [Teaching Series] In My Feelings, Trinity Church Audio Podcast
The two realms and the two selfs that make up your human condition: FLESH & spirit
by Marvin Williams | Jan 12, 2020 | [Teaching Series] In My Feelings, Trinity Church Audio Podcast
Many followers of Jesus feel stuck in their journey with Him. What if the key to getting unstuck and moving forward was found in two powerful biblical truths about understanding family? Download the Family Commandments Here:...
by Marvin Williams | Jan 5, 2020 | [Teaching Series] In My Feelings, Trinity Church Audio Podcast
Many Christians attend worship services each week, take class after class and work through Bible study after Bible study, but remain unchanged. Why is this? Could there be one missing ingredient that holds the key to deep and lasting spiritual transformation?