"*" indicates required fields HiddenMonth* MM slash DD slash YYYY HiddenDate UpdatedHiddenCycle* Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three HiddenEntry Count*Trinity Church exists to glorify God and make disciples by awakening people to full life with Christ.We are committed to equipping you in becoming more like Jesus, a disciple maker who effectively leads others to do the same. Use this free tool to discover your next step now. Click the button below to get started. This will only take a few minutes. First, please tell us a bit about yourself.Name* First Last Email* Enter Zip Code* ZIP Code Your Birthdate* Month Day Year HiddenAge*New to Trinity Church?* Yes No HiddenNew*I typically join* In Person Online I don't attend Trinity HiddenAttends in Person*HiddenAttends Online*HiddenDoesn't attend Trinity*How long have you been attending Trinity?* 0-3 Months 3-6 Months 6-12 Months 1-3 Years 3-5 Years 5-7 Years Longer than 7 years Hidden0-3 Months*Hidden3-6 Months*Hidden6-12 Months*Hidden1-3 Years*Hidden3-5 Years*Hidden5-7 Years*HiddenMore than 7 Years* Which ministry do you PRIMARILY serve in?* I'm not currently serving Celebrate Recovery Children's Ministry, VBS Deacons Ministry, GEAR, Widows Plus Facilities Ministry, Landscaping, Maintenance, Event Set Up Group/Community Leader Grow Ministry: Counseling Team, Class/Event Support Hospitality Team: Greeters, Auditorium Hosts, Coffee Team Local/Global Outreach Prayer Team Safety/Medical Team Students Ministry: Middle School, High School, College-Age Tech Arts Thrive Childcare Worship Arts Other area not listed Other Briefly describe the ministry you are serving in. HiddenNot Serving*Select only one Great! You're more than half way done.Now let's talk about your current disciple-making progress. Please answer the following questions so we can best help you identify your next step. How would you describe yourself?* I wouldn't say that I am a Christian, but I am open to hearing more. I am a Christ follower, but I feel very new in my faith. I am growing in my faith but need to start living in community with others. I feel strong in my faith but haven’t started serving or ministering to others yet. I feel ready but have not started leading another person in disciple-making yet. I am leading at least one other person in an intentional disciple-making relationship. HiddenShare-D*HiddenShare-I*HiddenConnect-C*HiddenMinister-YA*HiddenDisciple-P* Are you an intentional disciple-maker as defined below?*A disciple is one who follows Jesus, is transformed by Jesus, and is on mission with Jesus. Are you intentionally leading at least one other person toward this goal in a disciple-making relationship? Yes No Unsure HiddenIntentional disciple-maker (first ask)*HiddenUnsure what a disciple-making relationship was.*HiddenNot a disciple-maker (first ask)*What do we mean by disciple-making relationship?A disciple-making relationship is intentionally leading another person by meeting regularly with them, following a specific spiritual growth plan, and includes the rhythm of prayer.Are you leading another person in this specific way? Yes No HiddenNot a disciple-maker (after unsure)*HiddenIntentional disciple-maker (after unsure)*Which answer best describes you?* I would like to learn how to lead another person in an intentional disciple-making relationship. I would like someone else to lead me in an intentional disciple-making relationship. I feel good about my spiritual walk and don't feel the need to lead or connect with anyone else. I am already being led by someone in an intentional disciple-making relationship. HiddenReady to Lead*HiddenReady to be Led*HiddenAlready being Led*HiddenDisengaged* How many people do you regularly meet with to intentionally disciple?*Select a Number123456789101112HiddenLeading 2 or More* Awesome! Now just a bit more information and we'll be done.Disciple-making is a transforming process empowered by the Holy Spirit as we intentionally journey through life in community. Please use the next set of questions to describe the spiritual journey of the person/persons you regularly meet with. Disciple-making Relationship 1* They are not yet a Christian, but are open as I share my faith with them. As I share with them, I can tell they are a brand new believer. As we connect, I can see they are growing, but are still young in their spiritual journey. I am starting to train them for serving in ministry as they are spiritually maturing. It's time for them to lead others in intentional disciple-making relationships. What is their first name? To protect confidentiality please list only their first name. HiddenShare-D1*HiddenShare-I1*HiddenConnect-C1*HiddenMinister-YA1*HiddenDisciple-P1* Disciple-making Relationship 2* They are not yet a Christian, but are open as I share my faith with them. As I share with them, I can tell they are a brand new believer. As we connect, I can see they are growing, but are still young in their spiritual journey. I am starting to train them for serving in ministry as they are spiritually maturing. It's time for them to lead others in intentional disciple-making relationships. What is their first name? To protect confidentiality please list only their first name. HiddenShare-D2*HiddenShare-I2*HiddenConnect-C2*HiddenMinister-YA2*HiddenDisciple-P2* Disciple-making Relationship 3* They are not yet a Christian, but are open as I share my faith with them. As I share with them, I can tell they are a brand new believer. As we connect, I can see they are growing, but are still young in their spiritual journey. I am starting to train them for serving in ministry as they are spiritually maturing. It's time for them to lead others in intentional disciple-making relationships. What is their first name? To protect confidentiality please list only their first name. HiddenShare-D3*HiddenShare-I3*HiddenConnect-C3*HiddenMinister-YA3*HiddenDisciple-P3* Disciple-making Relationship 4* They are not yet a Christian, but are open as I share my faith with them. As I share with them, I can tell they are a brand new believer. As we connect, I can see they are growing, but are still young in their spiritual journey. I am starting to train them for serving in ministry as they are spiritually maturing. It's time for them to lead others in intentional disciple-making relationships. What is their first name? To protect confidentiality please list only their first name. HiddenShare-D4*HiddenShare-I4*HiddenConnect-C4*HiddenMinister-YA4*HiddenDisciple-P4* Disciple-making Relationship 5* They are not yet a Christian, but are open as I share my faith with them. As I share with them, I can tell they are a brand new believer. As we connect, I can see they are growing, but are still young in their spiritual journey. I am starting to train them for serving in ministry as they are spiritually maturing. It's time for them to lead others in intentional disciple-making relationships. What is their first name? To protect confidentiality please list only their first name. HiddenShare-D5*HiddenShare-I5*HiddenConnect-C5*HiddenMinister-YA5*HiddenDisicple-P5* Disciple-making Relationship 6* They are not yet a Christian, but are open as I share my faith with them. As I share with them, I can tell they are a brand new believer. As we connect, I can see they are growing, but are still young in their spiritual journey. I am starting to train them for serving in ministry as they are spiritually maturing. It's time for them to lead others in intentional disciple-making relationships. What is their first name? To protect confidentiality please list only their first name. HiddenShare-D6*HiddenShare-I6*HiddenConnect-C6*HiddenMinister-YA6*HiddenDisicple-P6* Disciple-making Relationship 7* They are not yet a Christian, but are open as I share my faith with them. As I share with them, I can tell they are a brand new believer. As we connect, I can see they are growing, but are still young in their spiritual journey. I am starting to train them for serving in ministry as they are spiritually maturing. It's time for them to lead others in intentional disciple-making relationships. What is their first name? To protect confidentiality please list only their first name. HiddenShare-D7*HiddenShare-I7*HiddenConnect-C7*HiddenMinister-YA7*HiddenDisicple-P7* Disciple-making Relationship 8* They are not yet a Christian, but are open as I share my faith with them. As I share with them, I can tell they are a brand new believer. As we connect, I can see they are growing, but are still young in their spiritual journey. I am starting to train them for serving in ministry as they are spiritually maturing. It's time for them to lead others in intentional disciple-making relationships. What is their first name? To protect confidentiality please list only their first name. HiddenShare-D8*HiddenShare-I8*HiddenConnect-C8*HiddenMinister-YA8*HiddenDisicple-P8* Disciple-making Relationship 9* They are not yet a Christian, but are open as I share my faith with them. As I share with them, I can tell they are a brand new believer. As we connect, I can see they are growing, but are still young in their spiritual journey. I am starting to train them for serving in ministry as they are spiritually maturing. It's time for them to lead others in intentional disciple-making relationships. What is their first name? To protect confidentiality please list only their first name. HiddenShare-D9*HiddenShare-I9*HiddenConnect-C9*HiddenMinister-YA9*HiddenDisicple-P9* Disciple-making Relationship 10* They are not yet a Christian, but are open as I share my faith with them. As I share with them, I can tell they are a brand new believer. As we connect, I can see they are growing, but are still young in their spiritual journey. I am starting to train them for serving in ministry as they are spiritually maturing. It's time for them to lead others in intentional disciple-making relationships. What is their first name? To protect confidentiality please list only their first name. HiddenShare-D10*HiddenShare-I10*HiddenConnect-C10*HiddenMinister-YA10*HiddenDisicple-P10* Disciple-making Relationship 11* They are not yet a Christian, but are open as I share my faith with them. As I share with them, I can tell they are a brand new believer. As we connect, I can see they are growing, but are still young in their spiritual journey. I am starting to train them for serving in ministry as they are spiritually maturing. It's time for them to lead others in intentional disciple-making relationships. What is their first name?* To protect confidentiality please list only their first name. HiddenShare-D11*HiddenShare-I11*HiddenConnect-C11*HiddenMinister-YA11*HiddenDisicple-P11* Disciple-making Relationship 12* They are not yet a Christian, but are open as I share my faith with them. As I share with them, I can tell they are a brand new believer. As we connect, I can see they are growing, but are still young in their spiritual journey. I am starting to train them for serving in ministry as they are spiritually maturing. It's time for them to lead others in intentional disciple-making relationships. What is their first name?* To protect confidentiality please list only their first name. HiddenShare-D12*HiddenShare-I12*HiddenConnect-C12*HiddenMinister-YA12*HiddenDisicple-P12* HiddenShare-D Led*HiddenShare-I Led*HiddenConnect-C Led*HiddenMinister-YA Led*HiddenDisciple-P Led*HiddenDisciple-makers*HiddenMid Ground Disciple-makers*HiddenDisciples*HiddenDisciple-Maker (less than 2)*HiddenDisciple-maker (2 or more)*HiddenDisciples (No P Quadrent)*HiddenTotal Share-D*HiddenTotal Share-I*HiddenTotal Connect-C*HiddenTotal Minister-YA*HiddenTotal Disciple-P*HiddenNumber of Entries*HiddenEveryday Adventures*HiddenDisciple-makers (Leading 1)*May we send you some helpful resources based on your responses?* Yes No Click the Submit button below to complete this check point. 60202