First Grade Bible Presentation

sun15oct9:00 amsun10:30 amFirst Grade Bible Presentationand parent celebration!

Event Details

Trinity has a long-standing tradition of presenting Bibles to first graders for over 50 years, and that celebration continues to this day!

All first graders and their families are invited to the First Grade Bible Presentation & Parent Celebration. We’ll enjoy snacks together, first graders will receive their Bibles, and also present a song for their parents. The morning includes training and reminders on family faith talk and how to have family devotions together.

If you would like your first grader to participate in the celebration, please fill out the sign-up form below. We’ll meet you in Room 217 on Sunday, October 15 to celebrate! Photos opportunities begin at 9:00am.


October 15, 2023 9:00 am - 10:30 am(GMT-05:00)


Trinity Church (Room 217)

3355 Dunckel Road, Lansing MI 48911

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