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Out of the Darkness

wed29mar6:30 pmwed8:30 pmOut of the DarknessA Biblical look at Anxiety and Depression

Event Details

This interactive six-week Bible study is for anyone who may currently be dealing with depression and anxiety themselves, or for those who are trying to understand a loved one who is struggling with depression and anxiety and they don’t know what to do themselves. Beginning Wednesday, March 29, 6:30pm, we will walk side by side and develop a step-by-step Biblically based battle plan for overcoming and hopefully make it just a little less scary. [This class is not professional medical advice, counseling, or treatment for depression or anxiety.]


March 29, 2023 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT-05:00)


Trinity Church (Room 166)

3355 Dunckel Road, Lansing MI 48911

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