Mission Possible Disciple-making Journey is a 6-month spiritual transformation experience.
We, at Trinity Church, love the idea that the people of the Living God are commissioned to join Jesus on mission wherever they are, whether at home or around the world. Are you living your life – the full life Jesus desires for you — on mission, growing to be a disciple and a disciplemaker?
On this journey, you will not only discover what mission is, but you will be equipped to become a disciple maker and missionary right where you are! That might be on your street or in your workplace. It might be halfway around the world. Wherever God might lead you, we want to help you find full life with Christ in a way that changes and challenges you and that helps you see what the face of Jesus looks like in the world around you.
Trinity’s pilot group of MPDJ adventurers began their journey in February 2023, learning about mission, disciple-making, and listening healing prayer.. This team has joined together recently, serving the homeless community alongside Essential Blessings and other area ministries. We look forward to the continued journey ahead and the adventures that await.
Come hear more about our Mission Possible Disciple-Making Journey 2024 pipelines at our informational meeting on January 14 in Room 163 at 11:00am.